The role and efficacy of ox horn comb

The role and efficacy of ox horn comb

1. Does not produce static electricity

In general, the comb is static electricity, so if long-term use of plastic comb hair, our hair will become more and more frizzy. Compared to other plastic combs, the use of horn combs will not produce static electricity, so you can avoid hair frizz.

2. Easy to clean

We all know that after some time, the comb will produce dirt. But the general plastic comb in cleaning dirt is very difficult to clean, and there are a lot of dead ends that will not be noticed, but the horn comb will not, The horn comb makes it extremely difficult to stain the dirt, even if stained it is also very easy to clean.

3. Anti-itching and anti-dandruff

The use of a horn comb, can accelerate the blood circulation of the scalp, enhance the scalp's immunity, effectively stop itching and dandruff, soothe the blood, tranquilize the mind and brain, and so on, it can be said that horn comb than the general anti-dandruff and anti-itching shampoo is also useful.

4. Anti-hair loss, hair growth

With the role of the comb, the horn comb can also promote blood circulation in the scalp, accelerate the metabolism of the scalp, and stimulate the scalp's hair production system, effectively preventing the growth of grey hair due to poor hair nutrition, yellow hair, and hair loss, and also fast growth of hair, is often hair loss, less hair of the crowd's best choice.

5. Smoothing emotions

Combing your hair about ten times a day with an ox horn comb can play a role in massaging the brain scalp and head nerves, thus promoting blood circulation in the brain, which can relax the brain and relieve fatigue and tension.

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